Your home away from code

Organize and synchronize all your knowledge across all your devices for free.

Write, doodle, and share with others in real-time or offline.

Completely extensible and open source.

Sign up for early access:

a screenshot of Composer
a diagram of devices connected peer to peer

Peer-to-peer sync

Free, secure, and private sync between your devices and collaborators. No central servers or mediators.

Increase network availability with optional self-hosted or managed agents.

Collaborate real-time and offline

Changes you make offline will resolve with changes made by others when you return online. Watch others type in real-time when online.

Perfect for remote teams.

an image of multiple text cursors of different colors in the same sentence
an image of markdown with syntax highlighting


Author rich text in markdown. Syntax highlighting. Multiple cursors. Vim mode.


Start a comment thread about any piece of content. Attach comments to text selections.

an image of a comment thread

Fuzzy Search

Search and jump to anything instantly with fuzzy search in a command palette.

an image of a search interface

Data grids

Manage and organize tabular records with validated data.

an image of a table interface
an image of a diagramming interface


Draw together in real-time.

an image of a list of online users


Locate the party and follow collaborators from the sidebar. See others’ mouse and text cursors.

Files for humans

Import and export your entire database as plain, human readable markdown, json, and media files.

an image of markdown, json, csv file formats


We often synthesize and organize across multiple things at a time. Composer streamlines navigating and dragging across different contexts in your knowledge base.

For developers, by developers

Open source. Completely extensible. Every feature is a plugin. Anything can be tweaked.

Plugins can provide narrow functionality which can be composed by other plugins.

Static plugins

The set of standard features in Composer

Dynamic plugins

The ability to load plugins at runtime from external URLs

coming soon

Inline malleability

Write extensions to Composer directly inside Composer

coming soon

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Built with industry leading components.

EffectEffectInk & SwitchInk & SwitchSocket SupplySocket Supply